Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Life Changing Times

At one stage of my life, I became interested in writing poetry and I tried different styles, hoping that I could pen my ideas with a true sense of feeling that would be realized and appreciated by the reader. But, as happens with many who sit to write poetry, I wasn’t truly happy with what I was creating and thus gave it up.
I had completely lost interest until I discovered a form of poetry called, “Tanka”. It is a Japanese form of poetry and considered to be the original form of the Japanese short poem. The Tanka consists of five units and follows a certain pattern. That is, each unit is a line and each line follows a set number of syllables. Tanka has 5 lines and a total of 31 syllables which are written as follows:  5, 7, 5, 7, 7.
The first three units make up the first section which is called the ‘kami-no-ku’ meaning the upper phrase. And the last two units make up the second section which is called the ‘shimo-no-ku’ meaning the lower phrase.  Nature was the foundation within the tanka theme, but has since evolved into an “anything goes” style of writing. Tanka was also the basis from which Haiku developed.
For whatever reason, on my birthday, I decided to write some tanka in the original and traditional format. I chose the theme – “Life Changing Times” and incorporated the poems into three categories of the theme……the past; the present; and the future. Each category consists of eight poems and each poem, although connected within the category, is in fact, a complete poem within itself that could stand on its own.

Life Changing Times
Window to Yesterday

Majestic mountains,
Aesthetic and enchanting,
Beckon the conquer,
Resist the ultimate quest,
Then feign their acquiescence
Drenching spring downpours
Glimmer in crystalline pools,
Quench the parched desert,
And transform the barren wild
Into a sublime bouquet

Fair ocean sunset
Painted with a master’s brush,
A boon from nature,
Gloriously breathtaking,
Etched life-long in witnessed hearts

Filigree snowflakes
Abound with quietude,
Form a downy cloak,
And seductively snare all
In a pure white tapestry

Mighty regal waves
Thunder on the time-worn shore,
Stir my ardent heart,
Meld us as kindred spirits,
Then leave me deluged in awe

Whispers of daylight
Subdue the black horizon,
Announce the new dawn,
While wispy soft gray fingers
Nestle sleepy stars to bed

Antarctic tundras
Essential life-giving force
Grace the face of earth,
Spectacles from eons past,
Guardians of our future

Nature, pure and free,
Unique in our galaxy,
Unselfish partner,
Furnisher of enjoyment,
Breath for scientific minds

Chelle Munroe©
August 19, 2014


  1. As always Chelle, a great job.

  2. Thank you Frank for the compliment and the encouragement. I appreciate it much.

  3. Great job Chelle, as always

  4. Thank you for the compliment Frank. And, as always, I thank you for your continued support.
